Today I went to the State Capitol and learned how to lobby. With this bill coming up its important to try and talk to as many people as possible. It was an exhausting day but really cool. I'm so happy that we have Sen. Madsen fighting for us and giving us hope. It was really difficult to hear another person who is voting say that he is completely aware of what EDS does to your body and how cannabiss can help EDS patients and so many other people. He said he will still choose to vote against the bill like he did last time because he doesn't want people taking advantage to get a high. He had his mind made up and made it clear that nothing would change that. It's heart breaking to have someone say that to you. This is the only hope some people have. Opiates don't always work on people. If there's the slightest chance at getting any relief from pain why wouldn't someone want that? We aren't taking advantage. We don't want to get high. We want a life. We want relief from pain. We want a quality life. We are patients. Not criminals. We need help. 

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